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            Independent Paralegal, contracting currently with Edge Law Office. ​



I am an Independent Paralegal/Mediator/Notary Public/Author and an Minister. I have degrees in Legal Studies, Paralegal Studies and Business. Certificates in various Types of Legal Mediation, Hypnotherapy and Counseling,  Minister and Notary Public. Accomplished writer with my first publication titled, "Total Quality Management", published 1997. Education: Faulkner State CC, University of Mobile, Virginia College, South University, Tulane Law


"I am not an Attorney nor Do I Represent Myself as One. I Do Not Give Legal Advice, I Do Not Practice Law."

I am a Survivor of CIDP!!! (Chronic Inflammatory Demylinating Polynueropathy). It is a battle that

I will continue to win and bring awareness to.

Proud Member/Supporter of:

Alabama Bar Association

NFPA: National Federation of Paralegals Association

NAPW: National Association of Professional Women

OES: Order of Eastern Stars #515

DREAM Foundation

CIDP/GBS Foundation

NRA: National Rifle Association 

Like My Professional Facebook Page:

Writer: Publication 1997

Total Quality Management

Author: Kathy Witherington

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